World's Pharmacist Day 2017

World's Pharmacist Day 2017 2017
Celebrating World Pharmacists Day is a valuable tool to promote the profession, but also using this opportunity to achieve specific results will make this celebration even more relevant and useful to the pharmacist in improving health. World pharmacist day is celebrated on 25 September every year, but we celebrated it on 23rd September, 2017 we had a whole day programme. The celebration was started with a prayer song by B.Pharm I year students followed by a speech by the Correspondent and Principal on importance of pharmacist day. On this auspicious day, all the pharmacists took the Pharmacist’s oath. Then the celebration continued with quiz, elocution competition and poster presentation. A health camp was organised by the budding pharmacists , and the people from nearby surroundings visited the camp and received the free services like sugar testing, vision testing, blood pressure checking, and BMI check-up etc. This health camp created a platform for the pharmacist to counsel the people about the importance of community pharmacist and their advice and guidelines before taking any medications. The programme concluded with the vote of thanks followed by national anthem. Finally, the event reflected the important role of pharmacists in providing quality health care to the public and to improve patient’s quality of life.