Admission Procedure / Eligibility for B Pharm Admission
Course Duration : 4 years
St.Mary's College of Pharmacy is affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, Telangana, India. It is approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) & Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), New Delhi.
Our academic system has been framed taking in to consideration the responsibility of students to meet the demand of hi-tech pharmaceutical industry, at the same time ensuring that they confidently serve the requirements of patient care in the pharmacy practice.
First year
A candidate who has passed the Intermediate Examination of State Intermediate Board with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics/Biology or equivalent and qualifying at the Entrance Examination (EAMCET).
Second year (Lateral Admission)
A Candidate who has completed D. Pharmacy course (ER-91) with I class and qualified in the Entrance Examination (E-CET).
Present Total Students =108
Category Wise Student
OC |
23 |
BC |
57 |
2 |
SC |
20 |
ST |
6 |
Total |
108 |